Friday, December 31, 2010


Ak sering!!!
Bermimpi.. Menikah when i'm not ready to get married.. And that person is not the one i love.. Watak itu slalu dtg last minute.. He is not the hero... But the big y is why he still ... U r not invited person.. Jd x meriah my mimpi la!!! Last2 ko msti dtg ala2 superman... Aish.. Bukan dtg show his face!!! But just ym jea time ku mahu menikah... Adakah ianya satu permainan ke ape...

Apa hanya warning!!! Don't u eva do the stupid thing if u r trying to forget someone..
Such as get married with the person u r not love... Or... I need to try maaa u r not so important to him... Just send the massage from ym and he said owh OMG u already have about 22,xxx,xxx fans... And i cannot add u because some limit that have in fb.. And bla2 after a long time... Just that!!! And me tgh dlm preparation nak pg kawin by a bicycle??? Aduh... Dah mcm org putih nak p kawin daaaa.. Vintage gle hahaha... But i had a nice dress haha.. And i can't see the GUY.... Hoho... Sgguh kecewa...

Tet... Ape daa punye mimpi... Haha... But really fun.. Nk mengayuh barangkali.. Jom!! Bkt cerakah kay... Hehehe...

Saturday, December 25, 2010


Hurm actually i felt something not right... But again who cares.. Hehehe just continue my degree for the last part that i have.. Hope so... Switch to bm mode..

Mahu ku kejar pelangi indah..
Batu yg aku genggam
Permata ku sangkakan benar2 batu!!!

Gila panas bdn ku
Hati kata sejak bila kau peduli
Tertunduk ak

Pasir pantai ku pijak
Kuramas sehingga trbenam kaki ku
Tenang deruan ombak
Pandangan ku sejuk
MasyaAllah ....

Jika ada dia hadir benar2 dlm hdpku...
Bakal Al quran yg kupinta
Tikar sejadah

Itulah mas kwn ku...
Honeymoon: ku hanya mahu pohon restu disana

Ak tidak mahu lg mlkkn kslpn yg sama
Ak yg lemah
Ckp lah noktah ku sampai di situ..

Ak sdh tdk sggp..
Bakalan menjelma hari itu.
Menunggu ku dengan sabar dan ikhlas.
Kerna hanya aku pohon keredhaan drNya.
Jika ak berniat baik InsyaAllah..
Hanya pada Nya ku meminta...

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

aku tkr title blog

hmmm feel that bosan lah hanya diriku.. some sort of too sad lah... so i need some new aura to begin with... and heart attack is better... hehehehe....

and now syasya more too sweet fabulous and gle!!!! hahaha who cares kan....

and hope Allah always give His blessing to me and all the readers of my blog... kalo lah ade kan... hehehehe... Go Red Girl....

Monday, December 13, 2010


i still think and can't stop thinking of him... but i always remember that... batter think about Allah rather than i think about him...

Allah never give that such heart pain...

this world is so much wonderful and beautiful to feel regret and pain... try to move forward and follow the guidance and make sure u never choose the wrong road...

just wait and see with patience..
if u got no wrong, all the goods will come to u.. trust The Mighty than u trust him..

he just a man that created to live in dis world same as u... just an ordinary that always make the mistakes same as u...

Remember The One in wat ever u do.... and u will never fall..

Doa jg merupakan satu usaha.. Just pray for the goodness for everybody.. don't hate peoples..

Get cheer... and think positively... just stop... and be a good watcher and the same time keep the words that u already promised kay... u have such a long way to go....

Berbuatlah kebaikan dan amalan bagaikan anda akan mati esok, dan berusaha dalam pekerjaan mu bagaikan mahu hidup 1000 tahun lagi... InsyaAllah for dunia dan akhirat....


aku ska waktu itu...
waktu yg plg tenang

Ya lah manusia belum bgn lg waktu itu..

betapa kerdil nya aku ketika itu...


Wednesday, December 8, 2010

yeay.... i'm going there

on 15 will be live music and live fashion from yuna and hana tajima!!!

i'll be there... just try hmmm never been there at MAP, solaris dutamas... Malaysia pown blum hbs explore ade hati nak explore u need to explore at your motherland... kay...( and uk since my primary school lg smpn niat nak pegi.. tp x sempat g.. huhuhu insyaAllah one day kan... mane tau i will continue my master at there with my beloved husband kekeke...) EEEE best aih.... ONEDAY kay...

hmmm related with 15... hmmm i'm just going with my friend... hehe kesian ko wei... x pew... ak kc upah nnt...

boring this sem brake tak pego mane2 pown melainkan ak jd bibik yg plg cemerlang kat umah nih... and smp bila... huhuhu so i need my one time to open my mind and get relax before i start my sem... the result will come out very soon... and kind of feeling so not ready... and don't wanna know how much i got... owh... eee gle takut... x dpt dibayangkan betapa rajin nye ak menjawab soalan2 yg berkaitan dengaan engineering nih.... sgt la aku wat buku ak sendiri... hahahaha GOOD ah... you are super good syahida.. no one can defeat u on that skills... kah2... yahhh biase la... then huhuhuhu i don't know...

and tomorow will be thursday.. argh.... yea narnia kan... JOM hahahaha...

i'll be there... kekekeke....


i really one the camera... to compile the memory of my life... eee best aih... will see...

and not to be forget that i'll be at sepang once again for YANEM activity... hmmm hope that it will be fun kan...

Just enjoy your life sya....

And remember Your parent abah mama and adik2... dan make sure you done ur solat and always pray for His Blessing IT IS IMPORTANT!!!

and me Love my JOB>>> Engineer Syasya... eee best aih...

x slah simpan cita2... hmmm i will!!!!! yeay....!!!! GO SYASYA GO!!!!!

Monday, December 6, 2010

ehe... my mother just give me dis doa... about 2 minutes ago...


for end and new year... kay... just a need a 2 minutes jea kay...

salam maal hijrah...!!!

owh semakin dekat dah...

i think dis time will be the most horrible and very terrified me!!!

eheee... u know my result will be on 10 december or 15 hee...

my bff said: why u so scared... it will be give the same as your effort when answer the paper... ehehehe.... i don't want it will be the first and for sure NO!!! owh i'm so nervous... u know what happen to me at that time... i'm not ready for the exam.. i'm fighting with the voice inside me... which said that why u just let he go... why u did not do dis... do that when u meet him...

and as a girl always answer: what i need todo... to hug him will all my heart and told him don't leave me!!!! are u going so out of ur mind!!!!!

he just lelaki... yg sedang don't know what him want... and not sure either that step will be the right owh... and what so ever!!! i'm not ready for anything... just i want him to be close to me at my side... and of course the miss jealousy will came out and ruin everything .. as usual... but nevermind... if we r not fate to be together just let it be... as long he's happy....

The time will show everything.... may be i'll be thank to him cause not choose me... hheheheh who knows right???

See my emotional sensitivity with related with some kind of emotional feelings sometime become worse and so not focusing into one direction...

Oh Mr bright of my life... please show urself quickly... because i need u to be one of the man that need to hear all my horrible story... need to share the story and support me...

to be honest at dis moment i'm just playing around.... huh.... i can't give the attention... inside me... the Heart is so need to go to emergency room... !!!

oh hu... let's zikirullah... okay.... hmmm... let's pray for the successful and may Him give his blessing in what ever we do... and show the right path for our journey in life... Amin....

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Decorate – Yuna

'before nov and now the feelings i think better i just try place u at the high place that i can't reach.. '

So you decided to see me out of the blue
Should I let you come over
I think you’re doing fine
That girl in your arms
Does she know where you come from

Almost made me move out of town
You don’t want me to be around
But I stayed anyway
Just in case

Finding reasons to hate you more than before
Like how you said you would call
But never at all
Got rid off your number that I know by heart

You left your things at my place
As if I have all the space
Cause you know I don’t mind
Just come back when you think it’s time

I’m all black and white inside
Monotonous from left to right
I decorate my house with things you love
Just in case you show up
In case you show up

ur Questions...

keep playing in my head..
want to hate u.. U r to special to be hate...
hmm i think this way...

( if u read me)
as long u not not calling me i'll be fine... don't disturb me from now... u know u is who..
but if one day u really think that u r ready just say hi... be friend i'll be okay..

i ready to friends.... love that very much... miss to story that all the story to u... talk with u that will relief me very much... hmm who did that do that to me... talk all the story that in my heart until i fall asleep... owh miss that moment..
HAHA serious i miss that moment .. no question about" Are u still love me??" the question that i can't answer...

y don't u ask me " Do you hate me??" or " Are feel that i do some kind that really unfair to u??"

i'm aspect: i'm really sorry for that.. really i Hurt u that much??
u can do anythg to me that will vanish all those feelings..

Ah mimpi mungkin....

For u.. Yuna :decorate

Thursday, November 18, 2010

dahulu ak!!

pg ku tiada cahaya,
ptg ak tiada mainan,
ak trperangkap dengan dunia ak,
pd siapa mahu ak cerita apa aku lalui,
kerna ak x sama dengan kanak2 lain.

Ak fikir ak sktkah...
ak lain
ak x same..


baru ak tahu ak berbeza,
corak ak lakarkan berbeza,
tp ak jge guna merah ,biru, kuning.

Selamat Hari Lahir Farah syahida

Ak mengimpikan sesuatu yg indah pada hari lahir ku,
sepucuk surat bersama sejambak bunga,
Sampul surat bewarna merah bersama bunga rose merah,
tidak ak meminta tp ak mengimpikan....
Ak tahu ianya tidak akan pernah mnjd nyata.

Ak bleh lkkn jika ak mahu,
tp ak tahu jika ada hari itu.. Bahagia Ak!!!

smua akan mengimpikan sesuatu yg bahagia dlm hdpnya,
ak rela membahagiakan org lain dr mmbr diri ak bhgia,
kerna selamanya ak tamak,
dan mudah hanyut.

tidak ak berkehendak balasan,
cuma bahagia melihat mereka tersenyum,
jika itu perkara membahagiakan mereka Ak rela,
Kerna ak perlu tahu Ya Atas ada perancangan yg lbh hebat untuk ak,

Ak mudah merasakan ak adlh mangsa kpd keadaan,
Ak mudah merasakan ak tertipu,
Ak mudah rasa ak dpermainkan,

Itu adalah cobaan dlm hdp ku,
teka teki ....
bukankah ianya sesuatu yg menyeronokkan.

Kau tahu apa kau mahu capai dan teruskan,
Tetapkan iman mu,
Fikirkan kejayaan yang kau mahu,
Hdp kau( kau hdp x lama, jgn kusutkan dgn sesuatu yg x berguna)
Berdoa ketika susah dan senang kay... He is watching u.... make him so proud wif u kay... Allah s.w.t knows the best... trust Him kay... :)

sifat2 natural ak: degil, pemarah, sgt mdh tersentuh, berckp ikt mood, mood mdh trun dan naik: unstable, eee like foods very much, heee camera addict,suka sgt dgn alam, laut ak ske gle( lepak smp sunset pown bleh), suka merepek, and x knal maka tak cinta so...... ak sgt lah suke berkawan and sgt ssh untk dimiliki jika ak dh set ak x ske hang!!! hahahaha.... degil lew... argh merepek..... heeee and when i look at u tanpa berkelip hahaha means i like u la.... if i look down without see at ur face means i respecting u, if i talk kau ak ngan kow mksdnye ak dh set kow member no more or less, heeee merepek dah.... ak ske gadget very much!!! i spend a lot of time to know the superb about one thing.... like jogging very much!!! and love roses very damn much!!! if i look at u far away and i smile hahaha i also dun know confused kort... i'm not really cnfdt to tackle anyone if u not the one to start first... coz i have a bad history with relationship... so lah wasting time and useless... nak... sng cte kow de cnfdnt msuk je lah meminang,,, x cnfdnt blah jea kay... x la ak kumpul banyak dose ngan bercouple nie... kan...
bnyk g kije lain ak nk buat... haha oit ak dh merepek sekali lg... heee...

( sebenarnya ak kan malas and buhsan lah dengan cintan mintan nie... wat kacau lah.... mood pown unstable... ku rindu merindui lah... aduh lahai so lah hurmm entah... ak x phm lah... )

Lastly this is what i'm really feel... Kuat tol la manusia nie berlakon swasta... kadang ak rase manusia nie tamak dan petingkan diri sendiri....

tak boleh ke dia berpijak pada paksi yg nyata.... kenapa nak keliru kan.... melainkan yg dia pilih itu dia pown x nak ,just nak main2 jea.... klo kow dh set ko nak... kow akan berusaha terus and bersama menempuhi...

hmmmm so... manusia nie pandai berpura2.... mcm tanah liat... klo slh bentuk jd la lain.... klo dibentuk dengan penuh ksh syg dan agama InsyaAllah jd lah manusia...

Ak yang bernama Farah Syahida bukanlah baik sgt tapi ak percaya jika ak sentiasa mengingatiNya InsyaAllah ak x kan lari jauh... Berdoalah supaya diberi kemudahan dlm apa jua keadaan.... Amin....

Indah tak semestinya berkias,
cantik x semestinya perlu berhias,
dr hati yg bercahaya dan tulus,
..... to be continue

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Semua pun indah

tika dan ketikanya semua pun indah
kata-kata, gerak laku mu,
jika terasa lama itu mudah, kita mudah melupakan,
jika ssh untuk dmiliki barulah kita mula menghargainya,
tp ingatlah tika senang mendapatkannya mungkin tidak mudah memiliki nya kelak,
kerna kau apa adanya sama sahaja.

Jika setiap nama wanita kau mahu miliki,
apa kau sang rakus???
Jangan bermadah jika tidak tahu iramanya,
kelak bakal sumbang.

Benci seketika menyelubungi,
Indah ktk aku fikir putih kau,
jika ak toleh hitammu bakalan benci sepenuh hati,
Ak mengerti kenapa berlaku nya itu ini,
Kenapa kau tak pergi shj kpd yg kau mahu jgn menoleh pada ak lg,
Ak boleh hdp jika kau pergi tanpa memikirkan ak lg,
pergilah jgn kembali, jangan ada urat ikatan dengan ak,

Sekali ku begini 1000 kali sang hati menderita,
Kau bakalan jatuh jika kau belum rasa keperitanya,
Pesan ku spy susun langkah mu kelak kau tdk akn menyesal.
Jangan adanya ingatan ttg ak lg..

(Aku benci terkdg memikirkan terkdg ak merasakan kenapa tak ak lari shj meniggalkan kau berbahagia jika itu yg kau mahu)

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Pure Love

Kedinginan dan kesepian mlm membuatkan ak tenang,
terima kasih kepadaNya kerana masih memberi peluang kpd ak untuk menikmati setiap keindahan ciptaanNya,
angin sejuk memasuki setiap genap urat saraf ku membuatkan ak kedinginan,
malam yg hanya dihiasi lampu-lampu dijalan serta bintang dan juga bulan yg masih kekal di atas.

Aku memikirkan kebahagian,
berkeluarga, bersuami, berkejaya, sehinggalah aku menemui kematian ku,
Banyak persoalan yg keluar,
Adakah aku sempat mempunyai teman hidup aku,
Adakah aku akan muda dan sihat sentiasa,
Adakah aku berpeluang mengatakan isi hati aku pada yg tersyg
Adakah aku berpeluang berkeluarga,
Adakah aku berpeluang merasai adanya cahaya mata,
Adakah aku berkessempatan untuk mendukung dan menjaganya,
Adakah aku akan bahagia,
Adakah aku mengingati akan kematian,
Adakah setiap amalan ku sempurna,
Adaakah aku berpeluang mendapat Syafaat dari Baginda,
Adakah aku cukup segala2 nya,

Muhasabah diri....
setiap manusia merasai mati,
sblm kau memikirkan masalah didunia yg sementara,
fiir akan kebahagiaan di sana ,adakah kau bersedia jika nyawa kau dicabut skrg!!
Jangan terlalu ego, bila lagi kita perlu menunggu dan menanti akan kesediaan,
Mati tidak mengenal masa, usia dan sejauh mana amalan mu..
Mengingati tidak ckp jika tidak lahir sbg perbuatan,

ingatlah syahida jangan terlalu lemah,
Buat yang terbaik setiap apa kau lakukan jangan mudah mengalah,

Cinta yg kekal dan Sejati kau tahu cinta dari siapa...

mengertilah bahawa Dia Maha Berkuasa.
Jadilah insan yg amat bersyukur dengan apa kau ada kini dan berusaha untuk berjaya dlm hdp mu, Jangan terlalu lemah akan cinta yg tak kemana,
Kecantikan peribadi lg penting dari kecantikan luaran syahida,
jangan mudah terleka.

Jangan riak, dan bangga ketika berjalan di atas bumi Allah ini... Ingatlah syahida...

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Kita "kau tahu siapa kau dihatiku"

jangan berani mendakati hati ini jika kau x pasti... ak tahu kau blum sedia.. jgn cuba kerna ak tkt kau akn menyesal sekali lagi... jangan mengikut hati,Tanya melalui iman sayangKu,aku tahu kau mengikut kata org keempat syg,hendaknya kau duduk dan tenang, Tanyakan pada dirimu wahai sygku adakah ini yg kaucari, fikir dgn benar syg,kerna kau ada hati dimana terletaknya satu nafsu itu dan 99 akal melebihi aku yg hanya memiliki 99 nafsu dan satu akal, jangan kau terlalu lemah akan ujian yg diberi olehNya syg,ak akan tetap menjadi milikmu jika ada tali pertemuan kta berdua.Aku tahu kau mengerti apa yg aku rasa, x perlu ak luahkan kau tahu siapa di hati ini,aku sentiasa berdoa moga direstui dan dirahmati jika syg benar2 jodohku dunia akhirat, Hormati ikatan ini syg, jangan cemarkan dengan kotoran,sesungguhnya kita sdg di uji, jangan kta mlkkn kesilapan yg sama berulang kali,Sbg insan ssghnya ak pasti kta x dpt lari dr prsn itu... melainkan kau dan ak slg percaya ikatan itu akan smkn kkh syg... Percayalah ketentuan Ilahi.Kesilapan lalu mengajar kita spy lbh berhati2, ak tkt hati ini bakal remuk jika ak mula meniti ttg ksh cinta kita syg,ianya tidak seagung cinta Adam dan Hawa, ianya penuh dengan lakonan, tidak dpt diukur sejauh mana tggi nya lkkn itu,syg jangan pernah menipu kerna ak tahu bukan aku seorang ada yg lain,ak bukan seorg serikandi Allah untuk mnhn kau mengatakan ak lah yg terbaik dan tdk pernah mllkn kslpn,kerna kslpn itu kau tahu ,KENAPA, MENGAPA, hati ini snts mennt jwpn mu syg.benar ak mendekati dirimu sekali lg, x bererti ak mahu memulakan kembali apa yg tlh kau ptskan,Kau berhak syg, berhak memilih dan ak jg berhak mmlh,Syg jika ak dpt tunjuk sejauh mana dlm nya bekas luka ini nescaya tidak kau mahu mlhtnya, Teruskan hidup kerna ssghnya kau dan aku mengerti siapakah kau dan aku dihati Kita.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

i know u somewhere


i should never trust u again.. and still u still cheating on me... u the only guy teach me to be lost in world... and u always talk nice and sweet words... and i the foll girl who's going to trust all the words that just came out from ur mouth.... how great that feeling...

and sometime think that without u or another man i'm still can get through this life... my life not only demanding on ur love... nice to feel but never last foreva....

u just broke my heart... when i'm trying to know u and try to stand by ur side i will never stand with a long time... u never give me a hand to made me stand by u


inginku berjalan melangkah bersama-sama indah kata hati dan cinta yang benar kerana Mu, tp apa yang aku jumpa kata cinta yg aku rasa smuanya sampah.. apa yg aku mahu bukan ini... aku mahukan hati kau dan aku menghormati aku dan kau.. sgguh ikhlas tanpa unsur kau mahu aku kerna sbb aku itu atau ini kerna aku ada kau aku lengkap aku rasa kau dapat menjaga aku ketika kta sama2 tidak mampu untuk berjalan dan kau tetap manis walaupun kulit mu berkedut seribu sekalipun...

aku tahu kau manis aku tahu kau ada... aku tahu jika tak dpertemukan waktu ini... ak akan menunnggu mu Di sana.... kta2 sama2 berjuang yea syg untuk ke sana... tgu aku di sana.. takkan aku biarkan diri ini dimiliki dengan seorang llk bertopengkan syaitan...
akan ku jaga dan hormati hati dan cinta kita berdua... ssghnya Allah sdg melihat betapa jujurnya kau dan aku untuk dimiliki.... ujian sentiasa ada dlm hidup ini semoga kta sama2 cekal dalam hdp ini.. menjadi seorang yg cemerlang dlm hdp the higher u can ever achieved is the best u can do!!!! don't ever give the limit... try the best sayang...

u know i will be there for you... and i will be the best person that i ever dreamed of... a successful woman...

Hope Allah already set a date for us to know and meet each other... i will wait until u give the same sign to me... Berdoalah dan never turn back... what past is past...

and my past is the lessons that teach me to be more careful, never easily trust a man the more i can trust you...

Love you... and i will wrote this until i finally met u... and i want u to read this when the time has come..

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

change the direction...

start to write more story about my self in a short story i think... how my life is and the challenge i have went through...

hmm so that all that i can still remember till forever and u all will know how my life is.. and i try to control in my own way till i'm strong enough to walk and talk.. start when the way i'm thinking is totally lost i'm still searching what is the real me and what is the purpose as a human...

Saturday, October 23, 2010

haaa... sayur ape yg plg best lam dunia???? ape bende yg anda plg impikan untuk lkkn...???anda berada dipuncak banjaran titiwangsa, apa anda akan buat jika anda tetiba dikejar seekor beruang??? satu g... bunga apakah yg plg sweet!!! haha slmt mencuba :)

haaa... sayur ape yg plg best lam dunia???? ape bende yg anda plg impikan untuk lkkn...???anda berada dipuncak banjaran titiwangsa, apa anda akan buat jika anda tetiba dikejar seekor beruang??? satu g... bunga apakah yg plg sweet!!! haha slmt mencuba :)

Answer here

Friday, October 22, 2010

hati fragile!!!!!!!!

whai manusia2 yg berhati kaca..... jgn ko taksub sgt dengan perasaan ko tu... ak pown mgkn sama tp ak tdk akan lepaskan trus kerna ak tahu ko kwn ak ke sape ke klo org lain ak x ksh,
nilai sahabat lg tinggi dari nilai percintaan, kerna sahabat adalah rakan ak smp mati,
jika ko tak ske bleh nyah dari jalan ak, x perlu marah ak dpn org kerna ak punya hati ko pown punya kat situ,
so jgn la terlalu syok sendiri kelak akan memakan diri,

wahai manusia berhati kaca,
aku hormat ko tp setelah itu ak tak tahulah,
ko pandai dan tunjuklah lagaklah semasa ko rasa sgt selesa,
tiada org nak halang so ko teruskan.

Belajar hormat org la..... org lain punya otak hati dan otak la,
ko punya jugak tp x gne!!!!!

aklah yg plg busuk,
aklah yg plg lembap,
aklah yg plg dungu katanya,
ko tak tahu ak dh mls nak layan ko
ko igt ko permata intan perlu ak letak ats kepala then junjung ko setiap masa,
hey sedarlah

sedarlah dimana ko berpijak,
tanah itu ttp rata wlpn ko berdiri disebalah seorg yg bertitle sekalipun
ak dan ko berada di level yg sama, jgn pernah ko taksub sekali pun berada di atas ko takkan merasa di atas selamanya.

nilai kecantikan seseorang itu bukaan dari wajahnya tetapi adalah keperibadiannya,
mgkn ko kata ak salah,
sape msh memegang prinsip itu,
ko igt smua org saama ke,
ko igt cara dan bahasa semua sama ke,
eh ko tak ptt berada disini,
kunolah engkau,

ak tak kisah ini lah ak,
org tua ak ckp selagi bleh hormat org tu kta hormat,
jgn sakitkan hati org tu sbb tak pasal akhirat nnt nak ne jumpa dia dulu sbb ramai lg kte nak jupe,
sedarlah x kemana pown tinggi nya bahasa manis ko klo ko takde nilai,
tp sekali u have cross the line its will consider i choose my way u choose ur own way...

maaf klo ak terkasar.
ak respect dengan org yg respect ak.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Dilema yg aku alami

x pernah ak mmhm perasaan ini
ini adalah perasaan yg hadir tanpa aku pinta
ak menolak, ak tahu ianya tidak mungkin
tp perasaan ini benar ak ikhlas
tp bukan pada org yg betul2 berhak
ak x mengerti ,ak faham kenapa hanya perasaan ini ak rasakan untuknya
ak lemah
ak x terdaya

ak dh cuba
tp ak tahu jika ak truskan maka akan beronak duri jlan ku
kenapa ak tdk kisah
knapa hanya padanya aku tunggu
sedangkan ramai lg ak boleh cari
kenapa hny pada dia
ak dlm dilema dgn jalan ini

sudah ak tahu, perasaan nya x sama dgn ak rasa
pernah air matanya mengalir untukku dengan ikhlas
pernah dia memikirkan akan diriku
pernah dia mengerti apa yg ak rasa
pernah dia merasakan betapa sakitnya hati ini
pernah dia
pernah itu
pernah ini
dia x sya
kenapa kau
ak x mengerti...
perasaan itu ak mahu tp ak tahu itu bukan jalan bahagia untuk ku

Ya Allah tunjukkan ak jalan yg benar
jodohkan ak dengan org2 yg kau cintai
jauhkanlah ak dari org2 yg akan membinasakan diri ku amin.......

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

let's improve yourself!!!!

i'm jogging every evening, coz i felt that my body is totally not really acceptable in good condition.. huhuhuhu

kinda of going to vacation mood... pulau tioman... hurm... wondering if my father and my mother gv the permission for me to go along.... huhuhu

lalaalala..... syasya.... in d way of to move to another stage ,1.11.2010 i will be 23 years old.... ooo yeah "dh tua pown" but i must maintain the beauty inside me... yeay kelembutan,ketegasan,kemanisan,and kemelayuan, heeee manisnye...

hahaha i will try......

to be an engineer just on site but out of the site i'm a women!!!!!

yeay...... if i have the chance,, i want somebody who is really patience, nice, so kind, understand me, and cute!!! hehehehe lalala never found him... and hope Allah give me the chance before i die...

Monday, October 18, 2010

hurm... mmm

feels that better i just let u be what u want.... hurm seems that i just a disturbance...
may be i need time to really know what I want,
hurm u should go away don't u ever find me again coz u really not understand me... at all... i should just let u be the person that u really want... i'm tired of being hurt and u deserved someone that really nice,understood u n really really understood u...

if u read this... i know u will understand this... hurm... plz try learn to respect women...
and actually on that day i wnt to ask u about us...

what the purpose of u ding that at that nite... u know that u already cross the line of our friendship... i thought we just friends.... seems that u mean that as relationship of friends.. n with proud i say that it's totally wrong... may be i just blind that nite... blind wif my love to u...

but if someday u read this... this is about me... i know u not really n never interested about me... i think that u r already too late.. i give u trust but u just let it go.... n... u are really sweet talker i think.....

i fall for u... but i think u don't...u full alot and with plenty of reasons... i'm tired of heard all of your reasons.... and i know u very well....

may be u said that "so"... "better u just find someone else".... i think of that way.... and will try to find the person that can complete my live and accept me as i am...

and i don't know why i still can't forget u... but i will try.... i will

when??? i don't know....

Sunday, October 10, 2010


tet2... hp ak msh rosak... tatkala aku merasakan akn ku campak ko jauh2.... ko menipu!!! hah?? adekah hp tpu atau ade yg bukan... atu bukan2 hahaha..

ak nk campak ko jauh2 pas nie... jgn ko dtg dh...!!!!! cari la tuan lain... ak x mahu kau lg!!! kali ni ak rase final decision..... xberjadoh kountuk bertuan kan ak.... find the better tuan yg bleh thn ngan kau k.... ak x dpt!!!

ko selalu rosak... kini kau rosak lg... ko rosak dan menyakiti ak untuk yg kali ke berape... ak x dpt nak blg la.... pergilah... ak lepaskan kau....

Monday, October 4, 2010

lepas geram!!!!! mek geram nie.......

why u r..... haaaaaaa sape2 la x yah kc tau name..... always when u go there i will be just smthg that yg melekat kt celah gg tunggu nak ne berus then akan hlg apabila gg dh bersih.... ape tu.... x phm.... tp aku geram la.... minah lain lu leh lak layan.... waa kwn lu gak.... bkn spesel pown....jap klo dier x nk layan ko nak pakse wat pew..... ha tu la.....

tp aku geram gaak la.... geram2....aritu herm x pyh cte.... tp ini x adil.... ak leh sue dier tau under my akta ke.... masuk division2 and sub2 nnt.... aish geram..... for future no more.... i will not surrender k....

nsb la ak yg dat kind yg blur2..... klo ak cepat ak dh basuk pakai sabun clorox tau x>>>> fab total gik...... aduai.....

geram...... selalunya aku wat hermmmmm tak pew tak ksh.... at least u calll me.... smp bla ak nk wat baik then org pijak wa nye kepale.... geram sgt..... aduai....

haaaaa geram....... and wa tak ksh lew de lu nak ngan musang ke cawan ke pring kew.... jnj wa bahagia.... n pas nie tetap kawan!!!!! until die2.....

leh caye kew??? leh la..... to get me again fyi is not easy as u think k.....

hurm dah la.... hbs gerammm.....aduh... bestnye.... lega jap.... pas nie no view2 dah.... wat dodol jea.... k..... klo ble cam concrete campur batu gunung k..... nothing will happen u know that k..... btwn u n lion king...

u find the prince charming k..... :)

Sunday, October 3, 2010


emosi ku terganggu ketika ini... disebabkan kesibukan yg amat tp aku tng jea.... jujurnya lah ta tau la aku apa akan jadi atas diriku... sdh tp tak berpenghujung.... klo wat nye pendek nyawa ak tp amalan krg nyesal x sudah.... dari kau pkir yg krg penting tu baik ko pkir yg berstar2 lagi penting... BTOLLLLLLL tepat sekali.....

dan bermula lah dari sekarang cabaran atas kau akan bermula.....

1. finish ur degree
2. bercuti!!! haaa ak nak tengok laut... sambil minum air jus oren air kelape ke.... haha
3. then ak nak jejak kaki ke singapore( nnt i upload gambar bnyk2 yea)]
4. ha tak nak kalah lg... target my cute miut car... mini2 u must have one....
5. ak nak trunkan berat badan skrg nie... jales la tgok org mcm papan hahahaa.... 49 kilos
6. haaa be a bijak pandai engineer la....
7. ak nak semua material tak pyh cite ah...
8. Once again twice la nak bnyk2 ... Menjejakkan kaki ke sana aku rindu..... ak rndu tmpat itu tp aku tau ak bnyk merah2 dari puth2.... kt sana la ak rse ak lg bahagia... princess syasya will go there again....
9. aku nak lupekan dia dpt x.... ??? heeheheh x pyh cube2 be a good friend as u can manage it tuhan x suke kita memutuskan sillaturrahim.. jodoh dan pertemuaan semua ditangannya.... okay princess... wake up before it's to late....
10. i want a printer la...... seksa tol xde printer nih.... hahaha xde kena mengena...
11. ak nak cepat2 hbskan degreee nih.... eden dah ponat dh.... rase nak hbskan mase ngan family jea.... tension dow blaja nie.... (aduai cam ne ko nak g oversea nie klo shah alam pown ko tak lepas nih)
12. and i think this is the last sebelu i grad hahahah nak g jalan2 cari makan satu malay sia semua pulau dan tempat2 nie akan ku terokai.... haaaaa lihat lah.... ak ku pergi....

tiada siapa yg mau baca my blog... so this my diary of the day hehehehe....

Saturday, October 2, 2010

cry as u can

dun let that be the thing.... and u should learn by urself don't expect anythg he just the commercial break of ur story... if u dun get him u will get another man batter than him... trust Allah more than u trust him...u so weak if u acting like this... i wanna talk to somebody that will listen to... owh miss that a lot.... someone that will ask me how do u do?? what happen today... ?? and get laugh together and i can cry when i'm tension... i miss that person who are care for me...

may be this just a sad story from me... and finally i can cry...

i think i have lost something inside me... i just let it go....

Love go away>>>> next plz.....

i wanna a new guy.... a new vision and mission.... i wanna a new subject....... i wanna respect himmm i think i'm ready la.... but just wait.... i dun know.. if ade jodoh ade la hahahaha.........

wat i'm think of.... hehehehe always pms y ha???? hurm remembered Allah a lot k.... in wat u do....

target.... to lose my weight 49klos >>>> gambatte.....


syahida's waiting for her November... and i think again..... it will be the most boring month... as usual.... and i'm already 23... plus minus i hav only 4 years to make sure i be a good engineer.... owh i wanna build my own house... with my own design... owh m house.... my husband will be of course u r not allowed la....hahahaha.... be ware... u have to make sure that u have ilmu, solat 5 waktu,hormat org tua dan perempuan,if in case ko tu rase2 miang kan....x pyh try la..... ak takberminat buang masa jea... u can make me laugh.... and sggp mkn masakkan saye la.... yg plg sdp lam dunia nie..... hahahahahahaha if u give me a cat for my present... haaaaaa i think u r the one on my list keh2..... i love cat so much!!!!!! and ada lagi..... pndai2 sendiri r..... tkkn nak kc tau smua.... hahahaha mmg smp bila2 ak tak berlaki.... x pew.... mane tau dpt lg tanpam handsome lagi kacak bergaya hahahahahhaha.........

Thursday, September 23, 2010

LOVE hahaha aku hanya nk menggoreng jew

LOVE is unknown feeling... and u never realize that u like him and her.... haaaaaa it is a fact.

im just wanna be me.... i wanna be somebody... how pain i feel is the best thing i ever experienced.. and now i'm trying not to believe because i just not that girl anymore... i don't know... trying to find the best for u rather than choose me... and i know may b not 2 or 3 or 4 u r i don't know.... try learn to respect a woman....

woman not the thing that u can pull a side....

to make sure u get her love she want to see ur patient,how u protect her, how u want to make sure that she really important to u... use the technology and men always give reasons ... may b typical man will think that if ade jodoh ade.... but for me... the process is important... im not gonna easily accept coz i don't really know you.... if you wanna get to know each other aftr the marriage i think it is too late...
anything happen at the middle of relationship wat happen... that is the reason why so many adult is cerai...

im not looking after i graduate and everyone should ready wif their man.... oh no.... im not have one... ooooooo im just sick of this.. may be not now just wait and see.... but think after the marrige... the sweet part may be just 1 or 2 years... and after that what will happen... i want a happy family

to really know each other u need lengthy of time to understand him or her....

i don't know sometime i just not really confident... i'm feel that may be u make me waiting than after that i will do that back to you... (for the certain case which if a men let the girl go means that he really love her..) hahahaha okay... im not trust this

to b continue

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

yo!!!! i hate u...

never though u want me back.... watch out wif ur words... coz i'm not that girl u know

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

think of

finish my degree
i hav to choose either to be a policewoman or to be an engineer

if i hav the chance....i wanna join all the charity body... baby hatch
and i wanna to find the solution to demolish the children beg for money at restorant because i think it should not be happen at develop country like Malaysia..... idont like!!!! they suppose go to school and study.....

i wanna do more before i die.... i wanna to make another peoples happy.....

because my personal life doesn't guarantee that i will found somebody which really suit wif me... and this is another way that i wanna helping others... first help your friends, sisters and brothers the people around u...

i hope i have the chance....

Friday, August 20, 2010


God shows me smthg.... and i think i accept it...hehehe

I finally anggap u as a brother jea... wat happen before just a lesson for me to become more matured.... and i feel so relief ....

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


heehehehe love nora la... her songs is the best la... suddenly minat nora hahahaha.... aih...

Monday, August 16, 2010

my dream( dreaming of....)

i get engage wif somebody... then the other guy feel that he seem not happy and ask me y u r not waiting for me.. hurm i said "sape suwoh u lambat sgt.. mama dh plih org lain la..." hehehe pe maksudnye.... keh2...........
(ko seronok ape hal)

hehehe entah hmmm huhuhuhu

sdh ka gumbira ka... entah la x pasti hehehe... keh2...

papa ja la...

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

canda tiada

aku masih mencari..
tidak lagi aku mahu seseorg mengurus langkah aku,
mahu aku teruskan apa yg aku ingini... mahu aku mencuba akan apa yg aku mahu
sehingga kan aku tak tahu apa sebenarnya... takkan aku penat, aku akan teruskan

yang satu itu... aku sudah mati kerna dia mati bagi aku,
susah untuk ak katakan ttp bukan mudah jika aku menerima kau ssh untuk kau mengerti.., tak pernah kau menjumpai apa kau cari...

ini aku truskan dengan cara aku...

perjumpaan itu sepatutnya yg terakhir kerna aku tak mahu ketemu kau lagi,
2 atau 3... aku pasti tidak kerna ak pasti
kau telah memutuskan slps ak menyambung dengan cahaya ,
aku terima kerna ak dlm ini aku x merasakan apa2 kecuali kecewa,
bakal suatu hari nanti,
tiada siapa yg dibenarkan berjumpa dgn aku,
jgn kesal jika ada.

hati-hati hatiku berkate kau bakal terluka jgn pernah kau lalu disitu lagi,
pasti ku cedera... cukup jgn sakiti hati kau lagi,
penuhkan dengan cahaya2 yg menerangi hidupmu,
jgn pernah sdih lagi truskan kau bakal menemui apa yg kau cari.

Friday, August 6, 2010

i wait 4 the man who want to b my husband


im now 23 years old next year will be 24... owh my God just so fast ha.....
i'm still feel that im just finished my high school...

it's not easy to find the sayang becoz i think Malaysia is lacking of gentleman,yg beriman yg intelektual yg berwawasan... keh2... sape tah ur choice miss syasya... no body listed la... short listed pown x dew... hahaha... pas tu cam ne im wanna b married...
in my head right now just my family... if they choose hmm2 im not straight away accept because u know wat i want... keh2...
im kind of:
shopping will be at top suppose b
im just sweet la not beautiful
everything should be at right place coz i don't like a messy thing
i love nature( walk for fresh air... see the lake or smthg green ... gud for ur eyes)
handbags,perfume and gadget like hand phone,camera, laptop
music is my base to start the day.... it just activated all my body system...
reading books about love story ,ISLAM , fashion ,and of course engineering books (i'll be sleep just for 20 minutes when i reading books hehehehe )
im walk fast
i think very complicated sometime( kind of blur person -_- keh2)
love roses very much.... hope someday i can open my own flower shop... hehehe FYI my granny's name is membunga heheehehe... so better i put that name hehehehe o i'll chnage it to merbunga.... wateva)
the most is red roses coz i love red... so much!!!!

erm now my husband will be i like the taller person coz im' short..., sweet and nice person, friendly, gentleman ,not take advantage on me ,he should be love sport coz i don't, i'm not really care about his work since that he nice person respect old folks and never left solat and should be klantanese la pule... my parent want it... its easy to Balik Kampung la.... huhuhuhuhu

so susah la... im kind of lost and just wait la... takkan telaga nak cari timba pule... x ksh la maju ke x maju skrg nie... adat is adat kesopanan ne jge wlpn i agak gle untuk certain bende... but im respect the Gadis Melayu dulu... very nice so sweet... la...

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

ku menunggu

Really sorry if before i'm talking a lot at ur back..
that's my bad.. i will wait the one hehehehe.... never give ur hates to the peoples.. come and have laugh together.. when still have the time to be walking on this earth..

i felt no regret but its seem i learn something... alot of thing that i need to go through and experience it... love to know the adventures.. about the who's lucky one i think batter i just pull it aside coz im not ready but i just need friends around me.. it can made me feel so safe.... love to know you alll...... and my dreams... i ave tu full fill it first... wah!!! its not look like me... but i think to be friendly and forgot all the past and try to move forward!!!! smile sya!!! it's the best madecine for u....

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Green building index in malaysia

one of the private body who are very concern about our environment especially in construction industry and our daily life .
water saving,energy saving,healthier indoor environment, better connectivity to public transport and the adoption of recycling and greenery for their projects and reduce our impact on the environment.
to promote sustainability in the built environment
and raise awareness among Developers, Architects, Engineers, Planners,
Designers, Contractors and the Public about environmental issues and
our responsibility to the future generation.
take care of your environment...
start planting more trees... to balance the temperature of earth...

our earth so in sick now....
start separate the rubbish. k!!! love green be responsible,be clean.....

Saturday, July 10, 2010

hey2 guys....

im a little busy i think... but im kind of lost.. not doing my fyp yet... owh somebody plz give me aright path and strength... y don't u start open your box n thinking... makes the box full with lovely things which are knowledge, experience, patience,and achievement. Dont bother about problems and face it... u know how short the time k.. one day u will go... do smthg that everybody will remember u...always n foreva.. make others happy... and love ur parent k... i love them with all my heart.. u just take away anythg but don't take my parent...

Saturday, July 3, 2010

benci?? btol ak benci??

terkadang mau aku bertanyakan khbar mendengar berita..
tp ak mesti lupakan dia kerna ak x mampu,
semakin ak mau melupakan smkn Dia x mau ak lupakan kau,
ak hanya berserah pada yg satu kerna ak x terdaya,
ak mls nak berfikir dan mencari pasangan ak kerna aku bnyk klmhn,
ak mnyampaikan ape yg ak rase..ak msh syg itu yg ak mau dia tahu,

Jika ak memandang 5 tahun kebelakg.....

Menangis si dia akan keputusan yg di ambil,
terdetik mestikah ak menerima dia kmbli, tidak :ak melepaskn org yg ku cintai
ya: ak berhadapan dengan mslh yg sama...
ya ak terima,
peluang kedua yg ak beri jg mati ditengah jalan..

Dia pergi,
satu hari dia.... berbunga hatiku... dia kembali,
jika ada jodoh kta kwn yea,
ak ketawa apakah ak msh dihatinya,

saban hari perasaan itu mkn terasa,
dan ak x mmpu... ak luahakan....

ckp... jgn hubungi ak lg..
kau berkawan?? kau merajuk...kawan?? ckp la klo kau rase ak tmpt kau nk bersggh..
kerna ak x ske kwn yg berpura2.

untuk melupakan seseorg igtkan benda plg jht dier pnh lkkn,
itu yg ak lkkn skrg,

merah:Dia tidak mghubungi ak lg... kan benar kate diriku... pada dier kau bkn siapa2.

putih: ak tak ksh asalkan hdp ak bahgia tanpa dia.kenangan dulu mrpkn kenangan yg terindah ak dan dia dlm hdpku.. ak pasti Yang berkuasa sentiasa adil.. ak mahu berubah ak x mau ak yg dulu..

cinta?? cinta pada ilahi yang hakiki..
(inilah adalah kisah pahit dan manis hdpku... padaa ku cinta itu indah manis tp jk kau tahu penderitaan nya ia bagaikan sebilah pedang yg memotong hati. Ak teruskan apa yg ptt ak lkkn.Dia ak x pasti .. cuma ak harapkan dia tdk mencari ak lg. dan ak percaya dia mudah n ak x perlu risau... cuma si merah sentiasa mahu memusnah kan ak.)

Friday, July 2, 2010

ur vision in life??

i wanna help other peoples...hope that Allah will guide me the way for successful

Ask me anything

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

big bang theory hurm ur homework

i'm a wired girl

still arghhhhhhh... im not trying to forget him... i just cannot do that....i think better i look at the positive... the way i just throw the feeling is wrong... i just should face everything in front of me... i think i just can't face if him hav somebody next 2 or 3 years then im still hope that he will choose me... hmmm wat eva it is he still the one i love.. i know he not love me... better i just love him the way i love is wrong never mind... The One knows how much i love him..

n i will gv my destiny to THe one to choose who is the best for me.... i don't have the power to think of everythg... huhuhu.....

i let him go to gv him the space to Think!
if him sincere to be a friend he will stop me... n if he love me he will try to make u understand about his situation...
and he never stop me...!!!
my love is for him but not for him to get the love... if one day he want me back.. i'll never gv dis love... he not deserve me... no one deserve me... im not trying to show the people im good or wat... just i don't find the one who is the right for me... he complete me that day... he not blame him but i just hate him as much i love him...

n the second thing

i just wanna set the goal of my life to be an engineer n to be successful..
i don't wanna my feeling will destroy me... this puppy love... owh just a small thing.. but he just like a stain that very hard to be clean but i'll try to remove it slowly... n lastly it will disappear without i realize the stain is already gone...

selamat mlm sayang..

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

i like la!!!!

heeee kebetulan ke.. hmmm entah

hehehe ak jumpe dak bju purple 2 times first at rhb bank and other d hospital pakar,mule2 x perasan aih mcm nah nmpak heee... cmel gak... aih gelak satu hari hehehe
satu kebetulan yang jarang berlaku...

wlpun x berkenalan a least ade la smthg fun asyik kerja then balik umah tdo.. x sempat cuti nie nak p watching movie...

saye amat bosan... fb i think better i stop... suddenly i feel that i have no friend... y ha people time kte jatuh x pernah satu pown nak dekat ngan kte then ble kte berjaye smua rebut2 nak kwn ngan kte... ak nak jdikan yg x ramai knal ak tu bangge ble dengar name ak, dan berkate nie la kawan saye...

aku perlu mula... mgkn tiada siapa mahu bce blog ak.. bygkan suatu hari peoples want to know u then many people will open ur blog....

sekarang nie mungkin tiada siapa knal name aku FARAH SYAHIDA BT MOHAMAD.

dia tinggal aku bersebab.. if u read this may b it ten years its already past... im not very upset wat u do to me.. im upset with myself y im still want to gv my love 2 u.. just jgn muncul dalam hidup ak lagi.. aku sgt bodo kenapa aku terima kau then ak bawa kau jumpe fmily ak.. ak tertipu dgn wajah kacak kau tu... mgkn skrg ramai mahukan kau disebabkan hang kacak ke... if anythg happen to u... u will see who is always beside u... u already lose me but i thing it is not the big thing right.. mgkn kau blum sedar dari lena yg sgt pnjg... aku tau kau tau keperitan lebih dr ak...

harap kau jgn muncul dlm idup ak lg... geram y dulu blum ku balas... if im that very bad girl i'll slap u with all my heart coz u such a liar....
that is the end of u...

Saturday, June 19, 2010

dia:aku dah ucap sayonara da...

purpose:hope that i'm not stick on him... i will
2. dun want to b ss coz im not really like him but just dun want be friend with him tkt pisang berbuah dua kali la...
3. spy dier cari org lain sln ku... hehehehhe... coz enth cari je la.. since dier dh tggl ak dulu.. wat pe nak cari ak lg... if ade jodoh... not anymore...
4.supaya ak single sepenuhnya... dan di sekeliling ku hanya rakan2..
5. but aku rase very empty right now... dun know to whom i want to speak to...very miss someone.. not him.. but to somebody that cares about me... he will listen to me with all his heart.. he such a gud listener.. but we r not destined to be together.. hope in another lives k... wateva i said before hope u forgive me... be happy k... im happy since u r happy....
6.ak rase sgt bersalah kerana perbuatan ku dlm mase 1 taun setengah nie.... rndu... Ya Allah ampunkan dosa ku...
7. im lost... its not the specific answer... but im always blaming someone else.. i know that...
8.i want to make my day better for days is going..
9.nak lupekan smua masalah... cinta akan ku tinggalkan sementara...
10.x usah cari aku lg... coz wat i said im just want to know how u will treat me... its look like im just nothing to u... u r not sincere so... (im blame u)sorry 4 that... just hope u not call me anymore... buat macam kte x pnah knal sepanjg hayat kte.. for wat i did to u just ihsan from me to who im really respect to.. thankss...

Saturday, June 12, 2010

kadang... aku...

kadang aku rase tertipu...
kadang aku rase ape kau katakan adalah untuk ku,
kadang aku benci,
kadang aku sayang,
kadang aku x mahu,
kadang aku mahu,
kadang aku rase kau bkn untuk ak,
kadang aku mahu buat istakharah,
kadang aku ak rase x perlu kerna aku belum bersedia,
kadang aku rase kenape ko gatal sgt haaa...,
kadang aku nak sgt jd mcm ko.. ko x ksh... buat x tau je,
kadang aku rase aku tak perlu ade teman sbb aku x rase kebaikan dia ade dcc ku,
kadang aku rase baik aku sendiri.( sedih dan hampa aku x mahu lg aku serik aku tkt.. cukuplah...)

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

aku mahu buat berbandingan... supaya ianya mengingati aku serta sahabatku...

di malaysia

di malaysia
ko puas ko buang.... ko tak nak jage, sebab malukan... kenape sebelum berlaku ko tak pkir malu.... sebab ko selesaije ko rase puaskan... tp sementara kan... dan ko teruskan berkali2 sampai ko tak sedar akhirnya ianya mengundang masalah.... ko mengandung... smp 9 bln ko gelisah... kemana ko nak campak bayi tu.... akhirnya tempat plg strateegik ditepi longkang ,jalan, sialnye ko.... ko buat dosa sumbang mahram kemudian ko membunuh pula.. jika ditakdirkan tuhan ko x dpt mengandung lagi ape ko akan lakukan.... menyesal x sudah... tiada siapa nak doakan ko nnt.... ank yang ko kandung ko buanng cam smp.... x kesian ke????? memang ko xde perasaan ko kejam dr binatang... binatang yang x berakal tu x sekejam ko...!!

di palestin

bayi ini mati syahid!!!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

di hari tua ku....

menghabiskan masa dengan suami terchinta....
berada dirumah yang kami bina bersama-sama...,
pergi ke surau menunaikan solat fardhu berjamaah,
pergi haji dan umrah seberapa kali yang kami mampu..
melihat anak2 berjaya,
teman si dia tgok world cup,
berkebun bersama-sama,
tgok gambar lama sama2,
kami bukukan kisah cinte kami supaya anak2 n cucu dapat bace,
kami akan lawati tempat pertama kami jumpe,wat pertama kalinya aku melihat dia,aku tahu dari ketika itu dia we are made to be together sayang,
hold his hand until the end..
i hope to see u in heaven sayang...

Monday, May 24, 2010

masih ada dia

ssh untuk ak lenyapkan kau dr ingatan ku... mcm luka yang tidak mungkin sembuh
kadang aku rase... hati ape ak nie... plastik ke batu... atau terlalu indah sampai org bikin mcm2 pown ak msh buta... hari ini manusia tiada hati dan perasaan...
hari ini dikatakan sayang aku cinta...
esok ko ditinggalkan mcm kau tiada punya hati.

btol aku tak tipu... aku berckp berdasarkan pengalaman bukan omongan dusta ,
kenapa berkate sayang jika tidak bersedia,
kenapa katakan ya jika masih tidak bersedia,
kenapa berkata dusta sedangkan kau tidak perlu berbuat demikian,
tahukah kau akan sedih dan perit hatinya.

Cuba kau fikir jika kau ditempat nya akan kau trima dia jika sudah berkali2 dia patahkan perasaan kau dan apa dia perlu bercinta jika kau hanya tahu menyakiti?,
tidakkah kau berfikir ape yang kau cari... apakah masih tidak jumpa...???
come on that is not the answer... baik kau jujur katakan siapa kau sebenarnya,
aku hanya arjuna yang suka bermain2 dgn boneka yang cantik2.

bagi jawapan barula llk hahahahaa,
adakah kau faham perasaan seorang makhluk tuhan yang lemah berhati lembut mudah pecah jika tidak dijaga,
adakah kau tau luka lama akan tinggal kesannya.... sama ada ia akan sembuh atau ia kekal sbg luka yang tak dpt diubati.

kadang aku mahu kau rasa apa yang aku rasa dulu.. betapa tunggulnya aku hanya menerima...
jujur aku katakan aku tak mahu lagi... cukuplah.
tipu aku katakan kau tidak wujud lagi... tapi bukan mudah untuk ak.... aku tak tahu... mgkn tiada jodoh... itu kau katakan dulu.

Friday, May 21, 2010

what i'm going to achieve nonono... the list syasya must do!!!

1)be an engineer... successful engineer;ur dad remember k
2)your language please improve k...
3)find the title or do some research for your fyp
4)i want a cat... hehehe
5)find a bf perlu ke... boy untuk bwk p teman jalan2 sudah....
6)huhuhu i want i phone...
7)please erase all ur past memory k... zaman2 tok kadok dlu... find a new life... in your way
8)grab the opportunity:experience

Monday, May 17, 2010

siggah sana sudah penat jenuh sudah malas

dtg perasaan yag aku sdh malas... dier kau aku... sdh aku tau kemungkinan yang mgkn akan berlaku... x kan aku... sudah ckp... x perlu ada jika ada apa2... jika ada apa sklipun aku nekad sdh ckp... aku sudah serik... jika kau rase aku hanye boneka... AWAS!!!!

jangan sekali dekati aku... bahananya akan menimpa jika ada perasaan itu...
ssghnye aku x penah mghrp akan apa2... terima kasih...

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

aku manusia biasa

jangan pernah kau gusar atau bimbang,
x kan pernah perasaan ku ini berputik kembali,
sekali kau tolak akan ku pergi buat selama2nya,
persahabatan akan kekal untuk selama-lamanya.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

i love this

Satu yang bertuah dalam berjuta,
Tercantik diantara mutiara terindah,
Laksana permata di jutaan pasir,
Bersinar menyerlah berkilau-kilau terangnya.

Tidak pernah jemu akan aku,
Walau jiwaku penuh syaitan hawa nafsu,
Engkau tabah, engkau tahan, engkau gagah, engkau sabar,
Engkau dekatkan dirimu padaku.

Mengapa aku tidak mengerti?
Tidak nampak akan engkau di depan mataku,
Menghina mencaci menipu berdusta,
Melari meninggal membuat kau sengsara.

Tapi engkau,
Terima aku seadanya diri,
Gelap gelitaku engkau suluhkan,
Jalan terkehelku engkau betulkan,
Badan busukku engkau mandikan dengan cahaya ikhlasmu.

Tidak terkata aku untuk membalas,
Terima kasih aku ucapkan.

(sorry if im copying yours writing im not stole just i love this... )

Sunday, May 2, 2010

study highway... huhu

prepare for highway paper which on Wednesday huhu... i just got flu... miss my mum la... n my dad.. n my bro n sis...
love u all!!!
i miss somebody but who huhuhu???? love u to whom i missed alot....

owh im shock!!!

sorry i hav no pic when im going to the wedding coz no one wanna take my picture... hehehhe...

not really enjoyed but its relief coz i had been at muar... tdo n makan jea..

not open the highway book yet... highway2 please help me to fall in love with u...

please i wanna be an engineer... wanna go to euro trip... bestnye... uk.. us.. paris... n many more places...

Saturday, May 1, 2010


owh love... owh u know i don't mind...

owh y u look sad...
i,ll stand by u.. i won't let anybody hurt u..

Birthday my mum.. hehehe

i give a bouquet of roses to my the only mum i have... she's very happy... owh... love u ma.... happy mother's day...

Wif my lovely dna... hehehe

hehehe.... nice picture???