Tuesday, July 27, 2010

ku menunggu

Really sorry if before i'm talking a lot at ur back..
that's my bad.. i will wait the one hehehehe.... never give ur hates to the peoples.. come and have laugh together.. when still have the time to be walking on this earth..

i felt no regret but its seem i learn something... alot of thing that i need to go through and experience it... love to know the adventures.. about the who's lucky one i think batter i just pull it aside coz im not ready but i just need friends around me.. it can made me feel so safe.... love to know you alll...... and my dreams... i ave tu full fill it first... wah!!! its not look like me... but i think to be friendly and forgot all the past and try to move forward!!!! smile sya!!! it's the best madecine for u....

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Green building index in malaysia

one of the private body who are very concern about our environment especially in construction industry and our daily life .
water saving,energy saving,healthier indoor environment, better connectivity to public transport and the adoption of recycling and greenery for their projects and reduce our impact on the environment.
to promote sustainability in the built environment
and raise awareness among Developers, Architects, Engineers, Planners,
Designers, Contractors and the Public about environmental issues and
our responsibility to the future generation.
take care of your environment...
start planting more trees... to balance the temperature of earth...

our earth so in sick now....
start separate the rubbish. k!!! love green be responsible,be clean.....


Saturday, July 10, 2010

hey2 guys....

im a little busy i think... but im kind of lost.. not doing my fyp yet... owh somebody plz give me aright path and strength... y don't u start open your box n thinking... makes the box full with lovely things which are knowledge, experience, patience,and achievement. Dont bother about problems and face it... u know how short the time k.. one day u will go... do smthg that everybody will remember u...always n foreva.. make others happy... and love ur parent k... i love them with all my heart.. u just take away anythg but don't take my parent...

Saturday, July 3, 2010

benci?? btol ak benci??

terkadang mau aku bertanyakan khbar mendengar berita..
tp ak mesti lupakan dia kerna ak x mampu,
semakin ak mau melupakan smkn Dia x mau ak lupakan kau,
ak hanya berserah pada yg satu kerna ak x terdaya,
ak mls nak berfikir dan mencari pasangan ak kerna aku bnyk klmhn,
ak mnyampaikan ape yg ak rase..ak msh syg itu yg ak mau dia tahu,

Jika ak memandang 5 tahun kebelakg.....

Menangis si dia akan keputusan yg di ambil,
terdetik mestikah ak menerima dia kmbli, tidak :ak melepaskn org yg ku cintai
ya: ak berhadapan dengan mslh yg sama...
ya ak terima,
peluang kedua yg ak beri jg mati ditengah jalan..

Dia pergi,
satu hari dia.... berbunga hatiku... dia kembali,
jika ada jodoh kta kwn yea,
ak ketawa apakah ak msh dihatinya,

saban hari perasaan itu mkn terasa,
dan ak x mmpu... ak luahakan....

ckp... jgn hubungi ak lg..
kau berkawan?? kau merajuk...kawan?? ckp la klo kau rase ak tmpt kau nk bersggh..
kerna ak x ske kwn yg berpura2.

untuk melupakan seseorg igtkan benda plg jht dier pnh lkkn,
itu yg ak lkkn skrg,

merah:Dia tidak mghubungi ak lg... kan benar kate diriku... pada dier kau bkn siapa2.

putih: ak tak ksh asalkan hdp ak bahgia tanpa dia.kenangan dulu mrpkn kenangan yg terindah ak dan dia dlm hdpku.. ak pasti Yang berkuasa sentiasa adil.. ak mahu berubah ak x mau ak yg dulu..

cinta?? cinta pada ilahi yang hakiki..
(inilah adalah kisah pahit dan manis hdpku... padaa ku cinta itu indah manis tp jk kau tahu penderitaan nya ia bagaikan sebilah pedang yg memotong hati. Ak teruskan apa yg ptt ak lkkn.Dia ak x pasti .. cuma ak harapkan dia tdk mencari ak lg. dan ak percaya dia mudah n ak x perlu risau... cuma si merah sentiasa mahu memusnah kan ak.)

Friday, July 2, 2010

ur vision in life??

i wanna help other peoples...hope that Allah will guide me the way for successful

Ask me anything