Friday, August 20, 2010


God shows me smthg.... and i think i accept it...hehehe

I finally anggap u as a brother jea... wat happen before just a lesson for me to become more matured.... and i feel so relief ....

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


heehehehe love nora la... her songs is the best la... suddenly minat nora hahahaha.... aih...

Monday, August 16, 2010

my dream( dreaming of....)

i get engage wif somebody... then the other guy feel that he seem not happy and ask me y u r not waiting for me.. hurm i said "sape suwoh u lambat sgt.. mama dh plih org lain la..." hehehe pe maksudnye.... keh2...........
(ko seronok ape hal)

hehehe entah hmmm huhuhuhu

sdh ka gumbira ka... entah la x pasti hehehe... keh2...

papa ja la...

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

canda tiada

aku masih mencari..
tidak lagi aku mahu seseorg mengurus langkah aku,
mahu aku teruskan apa yg aku ingini... mahu aku mencuba akan apa yg aku mahu
sehingga kan aku tak tahu apa sebenarnya... takkan aku penat, aku akan teruskan

yang satu itu... aku sudah mati kerna dia mati bagi aku,
susah untuk ak katakan ttp bukan mudah jika aku menerima kau ssh untuk kau mengerti.., tak pernah kau menjumpai apa kau cari...

ini aku truskan dengan cara aku...

perjumpaan itu sepatutnya yg terakhir kerna aku tak mahu ketemu kau lagi,
2 atau 3... aku pasti tidak kerna ak pasti
kau telah memutuskan slps ak menyambung dengan cahaya ,
aku terima kerna ak dlm ini aku x merasakan apa2 kecuali kecewa,
bakal suatu hari nanti,
tiada siapa yg dibenarkan berjumpa dgn aku,
jgn kesal jika ada.

hati-hati hatiku berkate kau bakal terluka jgn pernah kau lalu disitu lagi,
pasti ku cedera... cukup jgn sakiti hati kau lagi,
penuhkan dengan cahaya2 yg menerangi hidupmu,
jgn pernah sdih lagi truskan kau bakal menemui apa yg kau cari.

Friday, August 6, 2010

i wait 4 the man who want to b my husband


im now 23 years old next year will be 24... owh my God just so fast ha.....
i'm still feel that im just finished my high school...

it's not easy to find the sayang becoz i think Malaysia is lacking of gentleman,yg beriman yg intelektual yg berwawasan... keh2... sape tah ur choice miss syasya... no body listed la... short listed pown x dew... hahaha... pas tu cam ne im wanna b married...
in my head right now just my family... if they choose hmm2 im not straight away accept because u know wat i want... keh2...
im kind of:
shopping will be at top suppose b
im just sweet la not beautiful
everything should be at right place coz i don't like a messy thing
i love nature( walk for fresh air... see the lake or smthg green ... gud for ur eyes)
handbags,perfume and gadget like hand phone,camera, laptop
music is my base to start the day.... it just activated all my body system...
reading books about love story ,ISLAM , fashion ,and of course engineering books (i'll be sleep just for 20 minutes when i reading books hehehehe )
im walk fast
i think very complicated sometime( kind of blur person -_- keh2)
love roses very much.... hope someday i can open my own flower shop... hehehe FYI my granny's name is membunga heheehehe... so better i put that name hehehehe o i'll chnage it to merbunga.... wateva)
the most is red roses coz i love red... so much!!!!

erm now my husband will be i like the taller person coz im' short..., sweet and nice person, friendly, gentleman ,not take advantage on me ,he should be love sport coz i don't, i'm not really care about his work since that he nice person respect old folks and never left solat and should be klantanese la pule... my parent want it... its easy to Balik Kampung la.... huhuhuhuhu

so susah la... im kind of lost and just wait la... takkan telaga nak cari timba pule... x ksh la maju ke x maju skrg nie... adat is adat kesopanan ne jge wlpn i agak gle untuk certain bende... but im respect the Gadis Melayu dulu... very nice so sweet... la...