Friday, December 31, 2010


Ak sering!!!
Bermimpi.. Menikah when i'm not ready to get married.. And that person is not the one i love.. Watak itu slalu dtg last minute.. He is not the hero... But the big y is why he still ... U r not invited person.. Jd x meriah my mimpi la!!! Last2 ko msti dtg ala2 superman... Aish.. Bukan dtg show his face!!! But just ym jea time ku mahu menikah... Adakah ianya satu permainan ke ape...

Apa hanya warning!!! Don't u eva do the stupid thing if u r trying to forget someone..
Such as get married with the person u r not love... Or... I need to try maaa u r not so important to him... Just send the massage from ym and he said owh OMG u already have about 22,xxx,xxx fans... And i cannot add u because some limit that have in fb.. And bla2 after a long time... Just that!!! And me tgh dlm preparation nak pg kawin by a bicycle??? Aduh... Dah mcm org putih nak p kawin daaaa.. Vintage gle hahaha... But i had a nice dress haha.. And i can't see the GUY.... Hoho... Sgguh kecewa...

Tet... Ape daa punye mimpi... Haha... But really fun.. Nk mengayuh barangkali.. Jom!! Bkt cerakah kay... Hehehe...

Saturday, December 25, 2010


Hurm actually i felt something not right... But again who cares.. Hehehe just continue my degree for the last part that i have.. Hope so... Switch to bm mode..

Mahu ku kejar pelangi indah..
Batu yg aku genggam
Permata ku sangkakan benar2 batu!!!

Gila panas bdn ku
Hati kata sejak bila kau peduli
Tertunduk ak

Pasir pantai ku pijak
Kuramas sehingga trbenam kaki ku
Tenang deruan ombak
Pandangan ku sejuk
MasyaAllah ....

Jika ada dia hadir benar2 dlm hdpku...
Bakal Al quran yg kupinta
Tikar sejadah

Itulah mas kwn ku...
Honeymoon: ku hanya mahu pohon restu disana

Ak tidak mahu lg mlkkn kslpn yg sama
Ak yg lemah
Ckp lah noktah ku sampai di situ..

Ak sdh tdk sggp..
Bakalan menjelma hari itu.
Menunggu ku dengan sabar dan ikhlas.
Kerna hanya aku pohon keredhaan drNya.
Jika ak berniat baik InsyaAllah..
Hanya pada Nya ku meminta...

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

aku tkr title blog

hmmm feel that bosan lah hanya diriku.. some sort of too sad lah... so i need some new aura to begin with... and heart attack is better... hehehehe....

and now syasya more too sweet fabulous and gle!!!! hahaha who cares kan....

and hope Allah always give His blessing to me and all the readers of my blog... kalo lah ade kan... hehehehe... Go Red Girl....

Monday, December 13, 2010


i still think and can't stop thinking of him... but i always remember that... batter think about Allah rather than i think about him...

Allah never give that such heart pain...

this world is so much wonderful and beautiful to feel regret and pain... try to move forward and follow the guidance and make sure u never choose the wrong road...

just wait and see with patience..
if u got no wrong, all the goods will come to u.. trust The Mighty than u trust him..

he just a man that created to live in dis world same as u... just an ordinary that always make the mistakes same as u...

Remember The One in wat ever u do.... and u will never fall..

Doa jg merupakan satu usaha.. Just pray for the goodness for everybody.. don't hate peoples..

Get cheer... and think positively... just stop... and be a good watcher and the same time keep the words that u already promised kay... u have such a long way to go....

Berbuatlah kebaikan dan amalan bagaikan anda akan mati esok, dan berusaha dalam pekerjaan mu bagaikan mahu hidup 1000 tahun lagi... InsyaAllah for dunia dan akhirat....


aku ska waktu itu...
waktu yg plg tenang

Ya lah manusia belum bgn lg waktu itu..

betapa kerdil nya aku ketika itu...


Wednesday, December 8, 2010

yeay.... i'm going there

on 15 will be live music and live fashion from yuna and hana tajima!!!

i'll be there... just try hmmm never been there at MAP, solaris dutamas... Malaysia pown blum hbs explore ade hati nak explore u need to explore at your motherland... kay...( and uk since my primary school lg smpn niat nak pegi.. tp x sempat g.. huhuhu insyaAllah one day kan... mane tau i will continue my master at there with my beloved husband kekeke...) EEEE best aih.... ONEDAY kay...

hmmm related with 15... hmmm i'm just going with my friend... hehe kesian ko wei... x pew... ak kc upah nnt...

boring this sem brake tak pego mane2 pown melainkan ak jd bibik yg plg cemerlang kat umah nih... and smp bila... huhuhu so i need my one time to open my mind and get relax before i start my sem... the result will come out very soon... and kind of feeling so not ready... and don't wanna know how much i got... owh... eee gle takut... x dpt dibayangkan betapa rajin nye ak menjawab soalan2 yg berkaitan dengaan engineering nih.... sgt la aku wat buku ak sendiri... hahahaha GOOD ah... you are super good syahida.. no one can defeat u on that skills... kah2... yahhh biase la... then huhuhuhu i don't know...

and tomorow will be thursday.. argh.... yea narnia kan... JOM hahahaha...

i'll be there... kekekeke....


i really one the camera... to compile the memory of my life... eee best aih... will see...

and not to be forget that i'll be at sepang once again for YANEM activity... hmmm hope that it will be fun kan...

Just enjoy your life sya....

And remember Your parent abah mama and adik2... dan make sure you done ur solat and always pray for His Blessing IT IS IMPORTANT!!!

and me Love my JOB>>> Engineer Syasya... eee best aih...

x slah simpan cita2... hmmm i will!!!!! yeay....!!!! GO SYASYA GO!!!!!

Monday, December 6, 2010

ehe... my mother just give me dis doa... about 2 minutes ago...


for end and new year... kay... just a need a 2 minutes jea kay...

salam maal hijrah...!!!

owh semakin dekat dah...

i think dis time will be the most horrible and very terrified me!!!

eheee... u know my result will be on 10 december or 15 hee...

my bff said: why u so scared... it will be give the same as your effort when answer the paper... ehehehe.... i don't want it will be the first and for sure NO!!! owh i'm so nervous... u know what happen to me at that time... i'm not ready for the exam.. i'm fighting with the voice inside me... which said that why u just let he go... why u did not do dis... do that when u meet him...

and as a girl always answer: what i need todo... to hug him will all my heart and told him don't leave me!!!! are u going so out of ur mind!!!!!

he just lelaki... yg sedang don't know what him want... and not sure either that step will be the right owh... and what so ever!!! i'm not ready for anything... just i want him to be close to me at my side... and of course the miss jealousy will came out and ruin everything .. as usual... but nevermind... if we r not fate to be together just let it be... as long he's happy....

The time will show everything.... may be i'll be thank to him cause not choose me... hheheheh who knows right???

See my emotional sensitivity with related with some kind of emotional feelings sometime become worse and so not focusing into one direction...

Oh Mr bright of my life... please show urself quickly... because i need u to be one of the man that need to hear all my horrible story... need to share the story and support me...

to be honest at dis moment i'm just playing around.... huh.... i can't give the attention... inside me... the Heart is so need to go to emergency room... !!!

oh hu... let's zikirullah... okay.... hmmm... let's pray for the successful and may Him give his blessing in what ever we do... and show the right path for our journey in life... Amin....

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Decorate – Yuna

'before nov and now the feelings i think better i just try place u at the high place that i can't reach.. '

So you decided to see me out of the blue
Should I let you come over
I think you’re doing fine
That girl in your arms
Does she know where you come from

Almost made me move out of town
You don’t want me to be around
But I stayed anyway
Just in case

Finding reasons to hate you more than before
Like how you said you would call
But never at all
Got rid off your number that I know by heart

You left your things at my place
As if I have all the space
Cause you know I don’t mind
Just come back when you think it’s time

I’m all black and white inside
Monotonous from left to right
I decorate my house with things you love
Just in case you show up
In case you show up

ur Questions...

keep playing in my head..
want to hate u.. U r to special to be hate...
hmm i think this way...

( if u read me)
as long u not not calling me i'll be fine... don't disturb me from now... u know u is who..
but if one day u really think that u r ready just say hi... be friend i'll be okay..

i ready to friends.... love that very much... miss to story that all the story to u... talk with u that will relief me very much... hmm who did that do that to me... talk all the story that in my heart until i fall asleep... owh miss that moment..
HAHA serious i miss that moment .. no question about" Are u still love me??" the question that i can't answer...

y don't u ask me " Do you hate me??" or " Are feel that i do some kind that really unfair to u??"

i'm aspect: i'm really sorry for that.. really i Hurt u that much??
u can do anythg to me that will vanish all those feelings..

Ah mimpi mungkin....

For u.. Yuna :decorate