Wednesday, October 27, 2010

i know u somewhere


i should never trust u again.. and still u still cheating on me... u the only guy teach me to be lost in world... and u always talk nice and sweet words... and i the foll girl who's going to trust all the words that just came out from ur mouth.... how great that feeling...

and sometime think that without u or another man i'm still can get through this life... my life not only demanding on ur love... nice to feel but never last foreva....

u just broke my heart... when i'm trying to know u and try to stand by ur side i will never stand with a long time... u never give me a hand to made me stand by u


inginku berjalan melangkah bersama-sama indah kata hati dan cinta yang benar kerana Mu, tp apa yang aku jumpa kata cinta yg aku rasa smuanya sampah.. apa yg aku mahu bukan ini... aku mahukan hati kau dan aku menghormati aku dan kau.. sgguh ikhlas tanpa unsur kau mahu aku kerna sbb aku itu atau ini kerna aku ada kau aku lengkap aku rasa kau dapat menjaga aku ketika kta sama2 tidak mampu untuk berjalan dan kau tetap manis walaupun kulit mu berkedut seribu sekalipun...

aku tahu kau manis aku tahu kau ada... aku tahu jika tak dpertemukan waktu ini... ak akan menunnggu mu Di sana.... kta2 sama2 berjuang yea syg untuk ke sana... tgu aku di sana.. takkan aku biarkan diri ini dimiliki dengan seorang llk bertopengkan syaitan...
akan ku jaga dan hormati hati dan cinta kita berdua... ssghnya Allah sdg melihat betapa jujurnya kau dan aku untuk dimiliki.... ujian sentiasa ada dlm hidup ini semoga kta sama2 cekal dalam hdp ini.. menjadi seorang yg cemerlang dlm hdp the higher u can ever achieved is the best u can do!!!! don't ever give the limit... try the best sayang...

u know i will be there for you... and i will be the best person that i ever dreamed of... a successful woman...

Hope Allah already set a date for us to know and meet each other... i will wait until u give the same sign to me... Berdoalah dan never turn back... what past is past...

and my past is the lessons that teach me to be more careful, never easily trust a man the more i can trust you...

Love you... and i will wrote this until i finally met u... and i want u to read this when the time has come..

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

change the direction...

start to write more story about my self in a short story i think... how my life is and the challenge i have went through...

hmm so that all that i can still remember till forever and u all will know how my life is.. and i try to control in my own way till i'm strong enough to walk and talk.. start when the way i'm thinking is totally lost i'm still searching what is the real me and what is the purpose as a human...

Saturday, October 23, 2010

haaa... sayur ape yg plg best lam dunia???? ape bende yg anda plg impikan untuk lkkn...???anda berada dipuncak banjaran titiwangsa, apa anda akan buat jika anda tetiba dikejar seekor beruang??? satu g... bunga apakah yg plg sweet!!! haha slmt mencuba :)

haaa... sayur ape yg plg best lam dunia???? ape bende yg anda plg impikan untuk lkkn...???anda berada dipuncak banjaran titiwangsa, apa anda akan buat jika anda tetiba dikejar seekor beruang??? satu g... bunga apakah yg plg sweet!!! haha slmt mencuba :)

Answer here

Friday, October 22, 2010

hati fragile!!!!!!!!

whai manusia2 yg berhati kaca..... jgn ko taksub sgt dengan perasaan ko tu... ak pown mgkn sama tp ak tdk akan lepaskan trus kerna ak tahu ko kwn ak ke sape ke klo org lain ak x ksh,
nilai sahabat lg tinggi dari nilai percintaan, kerna sahabat adalah rakan ak smp mati,
jika ko tak ske bleh nyah dari jalan ak, x perlu marah ak dpn org kerna ak punya hati ko pown punya kat situ,
so jgn la terlalu syok sendiri kelak akan memakan diri,

wahai manusia berhati kaca,
aku hormat ko tp setelah itu ak tak tahulah,
ko pandai dan tunjuklah lagaklah semasa ko rasa sgt selesa,
tiada org nak halang so ko teruskan.

Belajar hormat org la..... org lain punya otak hati dan otak la,
ko punya jugak tp x gne!!!!!

aklah yg plg busuk,
aklah yg plg lembap,
aklah yg plg dungu katanya,
ko tak tahu ak dh mls nak layan ko
ko igt ko permata intan perlu ak letak ats kepala then junjung ko setiap masa,
hey sedarlah

sedarlah dimana ko berpijak,
tanah itu ttp rata wlpn ko berdiri disebalah seorg yg bertitle sekalipun
ak dan ko berada di level yg sama, jgn pernah ko taksub sekali pun berada di atas ko takkan merasa di atas selamanya.

nilai kecantikan seseorang itu bukaan dari wajahnya tetapi adalah keperibadiannya,
mgkn ko kata ak salah,
sape msh memegang prinsip itu,
ko igt smua org saama ke,
ko igt cara dan bahasa semua sama ke,
eh ko tak ptt berada disini,
kunolah engkau,

ak tak kisah ini lah ak,
org tua ak ckp selagi bleh hormat org tu kta hormat,
jgn sakitkan hati org tu sbb tak pasal akhirat nnt nak ne jumpa dia dulu sbb ramai lg kte nak jupe,
sedarlah x kemana pown tinggi nya bahasa manis ko klo ko takde nilai,
tp sekali u have cross the line its will consider i choose my way u choose ur own way...

maaf klo ak terkasar.
ak respect dengan org yg respect ak.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Dilema yg aku alami

x pernah ak mmhm perasaan ini
ini adalah perasaan yg hadir tanpa aku pinta
ak menolak, ak tahu ianya tidak mungkin
tp perasaan ini benar ak ikhlas
tp bukan pada org yg betul2 berhak
ak x mengerti ,ak faham kenapa hanya perasaan ini ak rasakan untuknya
ak lemah
ak x terdaya

ak dh cuba
tp ak tahu jika ak truskan maka akan beronak duri jlan ku
kenapa ak tdk kisah
knapa hanya padanya aku tunggu
sedangkan ramai lg ak boleh cari
kenapa hny pada dia
ak dlm dilema dgn jalan ini

sudah ak tahu, perasaan nya x sama dgn ak rasa
pernah air matanya mengalir untukku dengan ikhlas
pernah dia memikirkan akan diriku
pernah dia mengerti apa yg ak rasa
pernah dia merasakan betapa sakitnya hati ini
pernah dia
pernah itu
pernah ini
dia x sya
kenapa kau
ak x mengerti...
perasaan itu ak mahu tp ak tahu itu bukan jalan bahagia untuk ku

Ya Allah tunjukkan ak jalan yg benar
jodohkan ak dengan org2 yg kau cintai
jauhkanlah ak dari org2 yg akan membinasakan diri ku amin.......

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

let's improve yourself!!!!

i'm jogging every evening, coz i felt that my body is totally not really acceptable in good condition.. huhuhuhu

kinda of going to vacation mood... pulau tioman... hurm... wondering if my father and my mother gv the permission for me to go along.... huhuhu

lalaalala..... syasya.... in d way of to move to another stage ,1.11.2010 i will be 23 years old.... ooo yeah "dh tua pown" but i must maintain the beauty inside me... yeay kelembutan,ketegasan,kemanisan,and kemelayuan, heeee manisnye...

hahaha i will try......

to be an engineer just on site but out of the site i'm a women!!!!!

yeay...... if i have the chance,, i want somebody who is really patience, nice, so kind, understand me, and cute!!! hehehehe lalala never found him... and hope Allah give me the chance before i die...

Monday, October 18, 2010

hurm... mmm

feels that better i just let u be what u want.... hurm seems that i just a disturbance...
may be i need time to really know what I want,
hurm u should go away don't u ever find me again coz u really not understand me... at all... i should just let u be the person that u really want... i'm tired of being hurt and u deserved someone that really nice,understood u n really really understood u...

if u read this... i know u will understand this... hurm... plz try learn to respect women...
and actually on that day i wnt to ask u about us...

what the purpose of u ding that at that nite... u know that u already cross the line of our friendship... i thought we just friends.... seems that u mean that as relationship of friends.. n with proud i say that it's totally wrong... may be i just blind that nite... blind wif my love to u...

but if someday u read this... this is about me... i know u not really n never interested about me... i think that u r already too late.. i give u trust but u just let it go.... n... u are really sweet talker i think.....

i fall for u... but i think u don't...u full alot and with plenty of reasons... i'm tired of heard all of your reasons.... and i know u very well....

may be u said that "so"... "better u just find someone else".... i think of that way.... and will try to find the person that can complete my live and accept me as i am...

and i don't know why i still can't forget u... but i will try.... i will

when??? i don't know....

Sunday, October 10, 2010


tet2... hp ak msh rosak... tatkala aku merasakan akn ku campak ko jauh2.... ko menipu!!! hah?? adekah hp tpu atau ade yg bukan... atu bukan2 hahaha..

ak nk campak ko jauh2 pas nie... jgn ko dtg dh...!!!!! cari la tuan lain... ak x mahu kau lg!!! kali ni ak rase final decision..... xberjadoh kountuk bertuan kan ak.... find the better tuan yg bleh thn ngan kau k.... ak x dpt!!!

ko selalu rosak... kini kau rosak lg... ko rosak dan menyakiti ak untuk yg kali ke berape... ak x dpt nak blg la.... pergilah... ak lepaskan kau....

Monday, October 4, 2010

lepas geram!!!!! mek geram nie.......

why u r..... haaaaaaa sape2 la x yah kc tau name..... always when u go there i will be just smthg that yg melekat kt celah gg tunggu nak ne berus then akan hlg apabila gg dh bersih.... ape tu.... x phm.... tp aku geram la.... minah lain lu leh lak layan.... waa kwn lu gak.... bkn spesel pown....jap klo dier x nk layan ko nak pakse wat pew..... ha tu la.....

tp aku geram gaak la.... geram2....aritu herm x pyh cte.... tp ini x adil.... ak leh sue dier tau under my akta ke.... masuk division2 and sub2 nnt.... aish geram..... for future no more.... i will not surrender k....

nsb la ak yg dat kind yg blur2..... klo ak cepat ak dh basuk pakai sabun clorox tau x>>>> fab total gik...... aduai.....

geram...... selalunya aku wat hermmmmm tak pew tak ksh.... at least u calll me.... smp bla ak nk wat baik then org pijak wa nye kepale.... geram sgt..... aduai....

haaaaa geram....... and wa tak ksh lew de lu nak ngan musang ke cawan ke pring kew.... jnj wa bahagia.... n pas nie tetap kawan!!!!! until die2.....

leh caye kew??? leh la..... to get me again fyi is not easy as u think k.....

hurm dah la.... hbs gerammm.....aduh... bestnye.... lega jap.... pas nie no view2 dah.... wat dodol jea.... k..... klo ble cam concrete campur batu gunung k..... nothing will happen u know that k..... btwn u n lion king...

u find the prince charming k..... :)

Sunday, October 3, 2010


emosi ku terganggu ketika ini... disebabkan kesibukan yg amat tp aku tng jea.... jujurnya lah ta tau la aku apa akan jadi atas diriku... sdh tp tak berpenghujung.... klo wat nye pendek nyawa ak tp amalan krg nyesal x sudah.... dari kau pkir yg krg penting tu baik ko pkir yg berstar2 lagi penting... BTOLLLLLLL tepat sekali.....

dan bermula lah dari sekarang cabaran atas kau akan bermula.....

1. finish ur degree
2. bercuti!!! haaa ak nak tengok laut... sambil minum air jus oren air kelape ke.... haha
3. then ak nak jejak kaki ke singapore( nnt i upload gambar bnyk2 yea)]
4. ha tak nak kalah lg... target my cute miut car... mini2 u must have one....
5. ak nak trunkan berat badan skrg nie... jales la tgok org mcm papan hahahaa.... 49 kilos
6. haaa be a bijak pandai engineer la....
7. ak nak semua material tak pyh cite ah...
8. Once again twice la nak bnyk2 ... Menjejakkan kaki ke sana aku rindu..... ak rndu tmpat itu tp aku tau ak bnyk merah2 dari puth2.... kt sana la ak rse ak lg bahagia... princess syasya will go there again....
9. aku nak lupekan dia dpt x.... ??? heeheheh x pyh cube2 be a good friend as u can manage it tuhan x suke kita memutuskan sillaturrahim.. jodoh dan pertemuaan semua ditangannya.... okay princess... wake up before it's to late....
10. i want a printer la...... seksa tol xde printer nih.... hahaha xde kena mengena...
11. ak nak cepat2 hbskan degreee nih.... eden dah ponat dh.... rase nak hbskan mase ngan family jea.... tension dow blaja nie.... (aduai cam ne ko nak g oversea nie klo shah alam pown ko tak lepas nih)
12. and i think this is the last sebelu i grad hahahah nak g jalan2 cari makan satu malay sia semua pulau dan tempat2 nie akan ku terokai.... haaaaa lihat lah.... ak ku pergi....

tiada siapa yg mau baca my blog... so this my diary of the day hehehehe....

Saturday, October 2, 2010

cry as u can

dun let that be the thing.... and u should learn by urself don't expect anythg he just the commercial break of ur story... if u dun get him u will get another man batter than him... trust Allah more than u trust him...u so weak if u acting like this... i wanna talk to somebody that will listen to... owh miss that a lot.... someone that will ask me how do u do?? what happen today... ?? and get laugh together and i can cry when i'm tension... i miss that person who are care for me...

may be this just a sad story from me... and finally i can cry...

i think i have lost something inside me... i just let it go....

Love go away>>>> next plz.....

i wanna a new guy.... a new vision and mission.... i wanna a new subject....... i wanna respect himmm i think i'm ready la.... but just wait.... i dun know.. if ade jodoh ade la hahahaha.........

wat i'm think of.... hehehehe always pms y ha???? hurm remembered Allah a lot k.... in wat u do....

target.... to lose my weight 49klos >>>> gambatte.....


syahida's waiting for her November... and i think again..... it will be the most boring month... as usual.... and i'm already 23... plus minus i hav only 4 years to make sure i be a good engineer.... owh i wanna build my own house... with my own design... owh m house.... my husband will be of course u r not allowed la....hahahaha.... be ware... u have to make sure that u have ilmu, solat 5 waktu,hormat org tua dan perempuan,if in case ko tu rase2 miang kan....x pyh try la..... ak takberminat buang masa jea... u can make me laugh.... and sggp mkn masakkan saye la.... yg plg sdp lam dunia nie..... hahahahahahaha if u give me a cat for my present... haaaaaa i think u r the one on my list keh2..... i love cat so much!!!!!! and ada lagi..... pndai2 sendiri r..... tkkn nak kc tau smua.... hahahaha mmg smp bila2 ak tak berlaki.... x pew.... mane tau dpt lg tanpam handsome lagi kacak bergaya hahahahahhaha.........